For Kindergarten - Grade 8 Students
Extended Day Options
Our Extended School Day program is designed to support family childcare needs on school days.
Our before and after school programs extend the school day in a fun, nurturing atmosphere. Care is provided each day school is in session and our program is staffed to meet demand, eliminating stress on busy families.
Billing for Extended Care usage is communicated to families at the close of the month, starting in October for September' usage. FACTS incidental billing is used to collect the charges.
Drop in care is available most days, please notify the main office to confirm space is available.
Early Drop Off
Early Morning Care is available beginning at 7:15am for all K-8 students for a per hour charge, billed on the quarter hour. There is no meal or snack provided. If you need to drop your child off early, please contact the main office.
After School Care
The after school program hours are from the end of school until 5:30pm daily. With a skilled team of teachers and caregivers overseeing, students are provided with indoor and outdoor activities, a nutritional snack and homework assistance - all designed to provide a positive social-emotional atmosphere for elementary and middle school aged children. Program fees are billed on the half hour. The program does not currently operate during vacation weeks or on days that school is not in session.